
Inspecting Agent Status

show prefix-list-agent

Display the operational state and configuration of the agent.

show daemon PrefixListAgent

This command is not provided by the extension, and may change or be removed without notice in future versions.

Display the internal operational state of the EOS SDK daemon process.

This command may be used to view details that are not visible via the show prefix-list-agent command, such as uptime and PID.

Inspecting prefix-list contents

show ip[v6] prefix-list <IRR_OBJECT> <summary|detail>

The contents of source-based prefix-lists are not shown in the output of the unqualified show ip[v6] prefix-list command.

Instead, use either summary or detail as follows:

  • summary

    Show the number of entries and the last update time of the prefix-list

  • detail

    Show the full contents of the prefix-list

An error of the form Failed to import from source: file:<PATH> indicates that the source file could not be read, possibly because the agent has not yet processed a newly added prefix-list, or due to some other problem.

Inspecting trace logs

show agent PrefixListAgent logs

Inspect the contents of the agent trace log file if agent tracing has been configured.

Alternatively, the trace files can be found in /var/log/agent/.